How to find a Ukrainian-speaking psychologist in foreign country?

How to find a Ukrainian-speaking psychologist in foreign country?

The war in Ukraine has been disturbing us for a long time. With the escalation of the armed conflict, society has undergone significant changes. Initially, there was a great deal of solidarity, and various humanitarian and financial collections were organized. Then came the first wave of refugees, and it was necessary to provide accommodation, food, and other assistance. Our society is primarily focused on facilitating the integration of refugees into the Czech system, whether through vari...

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Relationship crisis: Learn how to quarrel and forgive

Relationship crisis: Learn how to quarrel and forgive

Every relationship goes through certain phases, develops and deepens. But there are also situations that disrupt  functionining of the relationship for various reasons, it can be the insight and revelation of partner shortcomings or poor communication and differences of opinions. It's interesting that these stages of disagreements occur in certain time periods, with a difference of up to several months. We will explain in this article why it is like that, how long the relationship cri...

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Bullying in the workplace

Bullying in the workplace

Bullying in the workplace is considered as psychological war and its consequences can be really dangerous for the bullied. It can lead to agression, when the bullied is becoming enemy for one or more people.In the working area we call it bossing or also mobbing. What can bullying cause and how to prevent it? The three faces of bullying Bullying at work can be recognized really easily.  As a rule, it is a long-lasting hostile relationships and hostile mood what grows into humilia...

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When silence does not heal: Mutism in children

When silence does not heal: Mutism in children

Mutism is a type of impaired communication ability characterized by loss of speech in a variety of situations. In practice, this means that the child cannot speak in certain situations, in certain places or with certain people.It should be noted that at other times their speech is perfectly sufficient and normal. It most often affects children of preschool or younger school age.Why (not) talk about it?We often encounter cases where parents are embarrassed or afraid to talk about the probl...

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10 tips to help an alcoholic

10 tips to help an alcoholic

Alcohol dependency is a disease that is challenging not only for the dependent person but also for their loved ones.Often, they have no idea what they should do. As a result, they often helplessly watch as their loved one – whether it's a partner, sibling, child, or friend – struggles with their demons.They get up and fall again. Over and over in a continuous cycle.Are you wondering what you can do for him/her? In today's article, we'll summarize ten most important pieces of advice on how to...

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ONLINE CHEATING: A new phenomenon of our digital age?

ONLINE CHEATING: A new phenomenon of our digital age?

The partnerships are going through better and worse periods. The partners have crisis, quarrels and disagreements appear beteen each other. It's enough for two. But what if someone third get into the relationship? Cheating. The big scarecrow of every relationship. For a long time, it is not only about secret meetings in hotels or conditions at work. New times and technologies bring incredible opportunities, even in relationships. How are our relationships changing with the ...

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