The impact of technology on our mental health

The impact of technology on our mental health

Author: Psychological Counseling | How Do Technology and Digital Age Affect Our Mental Well-being?We live in an era where technology has become an integral part of our lives over recent decades, so it's important to pay attention to its impact on our mental health. While modern technology offers countless advantages, such as easier access to information, the ability to stay constantly connected with loved ones, or increased work efficiency, its excessive use can also have negative consequences. ...

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How to Find Balance: School, Hobbies, and Free Time

How to Find Balance: School, Hobbies, and Free Time

Author: Psychological Counseling Center | Advice for Parents and Students | Tips for Better Time Management for Parents and StudentsBalancing time between school responsibilities, hobbies, and relaxation is one of the biggest challenges students face. While academic success is undoubtedly important, personal development, health, and student satisfaction are equally significant. In today’s rapidly changing world, the ability to effectively manage time and find balance between different aspects ...

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Virtual World, Real Problems: The impact of social media on our mental health

Virtual World, Real Problems: The impact of social media on our mental health

Author: Psychological Counseling Center | Social Media | Social Networks | How to Use Social Media to Your AdvantageSocial media has become an integral part of our daily lives. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are known worldwide and influence not only our daily activities but also our thinking, behavior, and overall mental health.Social networks offer many advantages, such as the ability to stay in touch with friends and family, share experiences and information, and crea...

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I lost my job before retirement. What now? Practical advice on finding new employment

I lost my job before retirement. What now? Practical advice on finding new employment

Author: Psychological Counseling Center | Job Loss | Impact of Job Loss | Strategies for Coping with Job LossLoss of a job is one of the most stressful events in life, especially for those of working age who are nearing retirement. During this stage of life, finding a new job can be more complex and emotionally challenging.Emotional Impact of Job Loss Losing a job can have a strong emotional impact, particularly when it is unexpected. This emotional impact can manifest in various ways.Initi...

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Women and alcohol: From social consumption to addiction

Women and alcohol: From social consumption to addiction

Author: Psychological Counseling | Women's Alcohol Dependence | How to Help a Female Alcoholic | Support for Women with Alcohol Dependency We can still consider alcohol as the number one drug. In my opinion, alcohol dependence is still talked about very little. The impacts of alcohol on human health are incomparably worse than other dependencies. Alcoholism can be ranked third among the causes of death, right after cardiovascular and oncological diseases.(Mgr. Viera Škopová, psychologist ...

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How to talk to children about sex and sexuality

How to talk to children about sex and sexuality

Author: Psychological Counseling Center | Tips for Parents on How to Talk to Children About SexSex and sexuality are topics that are taboo in most societies. Talking to children about sex can be challenging for parents, but it's an important conversation to have. When and how is the best time to start discussing sex and sexuality with your children?Communication is KeyOne of the most important aspects in this area is communication. Open and honest communication about sex can help children develo...

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How to cope with the loss of a loved one?

How to cope with the loss of a loved one?

Author: Psychological Counseling | Tips from a Psychologist on How to Cope with the Loss of a Loved OneLosing a loved one is a very painful experience that can affect all aspects of our lives. It's important to realize that there is no right or wrong way to grieve, and everyone experiences the loss of a loved one individually.When someone loses a person or something valuable in their life, it is one of the hardest experiences a person can go through. It can be an emotionally exhausting period, a...

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Mental disorders in children: 5 warning signs you shouldn't ignore

Mental disorders in children: 5 warning signs you shouldn't ignore

You know how mental disorders can manifest in children? It's a wide spectrum of conditions that can significantly affect not only a child's behavior and emotional state but also their overall development. Recognizing these disorders early and responding appropriately is key to ensuring the best possible care and support. Studies show that up to 50% of mental illnesses can be diagnosed in early childhood. Parents should be attentive to warning signs, such as extreme mood swings, s...

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Don't be afraid of a child psychologist! They'll help your child and you too

Don't be afraid of a child psychologist! They'll help your child and you too

Children may face various problems, whether it's difficulties at school, changes in behavior, depression, anxiety, fear, or just uncertainty in new situations. Many parents hesitate to seek help from a child psychologist. Fear of the unknown, stigma, and myths about psychological care prevent parents from helping their child and themselves. What does a child psychologist do? A child psychologist focuses on caring for the mental health of children and adolescents. They help children...

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Stress and its impact on physical and mental health

Stress and its impact on physical and mental health

Do you ever feel like your life is full of tension that just won't go away? You're not alone. Stress is that silent companion that often shows up unexpectedly in our lives. Whether it's work, family, or just everyday situations, it can catch us off guard and affect our overall health.But how do you effectively combat stress and not let it hold you back? This article is a guide that will show you how. You'll gain insight into how stress and health are related and how managing stress can si...

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The Sandwich Generation: How to manage caring for parents and children without stress and exhaustion

The Sandwich Generation: How to manage caring for parents and children without stress and exhaustion

In today's society, we encounter various phenomena that are often neither exceptional nor new. A certain amount of social perspective, coexistence, and care has always been present in our society, albeit in various forms. Well, perhaps we haven't always talked about it or had the opportunity for confrontation. A woman is a symbol of a mother who takes care of her family and provides for not only the physiological but also the psychological and social needs of the family, even within socie...

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Body Positivity: Avoid Extremes and Find Balance

Body Positivity: Avoid Extremes and Find Balance

In today's world, where images of perfection abound, there is an increasing emphasis on accepting one's own body and rejecting extremes. This new approach further reflects the need to understand physical, mental, and emotional health. Embracing one's body does not mean giving up on a healthy lifestyle; rather, it signifies celebrating individual differences and striving to find personal equilibrium. It's important to reject extremes that promote unrealistic ideals and often lead to frustr...

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When the general doctor doesn't help: Psychosomatics and children

When the general doctor doesn't help: Psychosomatics and children

All moms know it, that feeling of fear and helplessness when their baby is in trouble. We then place our children in the hands of doctors or healers. But what if they can't figure anything out? What if repeated colds, tummy aches or headaches, or even more serious problems, don't have a physiological explanation? And if they have it, then why is it that your child suffers such unpleasantness? And if you're considering whether it's possible for your child to simulate, believe that psychoso...

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Phenomenon called psychosomatics

Phenomenon called psychosomatics

We can describe psychosomatics like a condition in which the psychical imbalance is reflected into real physical symptoms. A lot of banal and also more serious health complications arise due to stress, tense relationships and general mental discomfort. In these cases, many of medical examinations will not help you  as well as the best medications. You should rather  try well-targeted therapy. Some experts agree that it is sometimes necessary to look for the focus of problems by t...

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How to Learn More Effectively: 7 Tips for Children and Students

How to Learn More Effectively: 7 Tips for Children and Students

School is an important part of every child's life. Some students navigate through school more or less smoothly, learning well and easily, participating in extracurricular activities, and facing no issues. These students achieve excellent results with minimal or no effort.However, there are also children who don't feel comfortable in school. Despite their efforts, they struggle to get good grades, either unable or unwilling to learn. Many children face memory problems, live in stressful environme...

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