Mental disorders in children: 5 warning signs you shouldn't ignore

Mental disorders in children: 5 warning signs you shouldn't ignore

You know how mental disorders can manifest in children? It's a wide spectrum of conditions that can significantly affect not only a child's behavior and emotional state but also their overall development. Recognizing these disorders early and responding appropriately is key to ensuring the best possible care and support. Studies show that up to 50% of mental illnesses can be diagnosed in early childhood. Parents should be attentive to warning signs, such as extreme mood swings, s...

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Postpartum Depression - Feelings of Sadness and Tears

Postpartum Depression - Feelings of Sadness and Tears

The birth of a child is the most beautiful moment in a mother's life. However, it can happen that the joy, happiness, and love for the newborn baby are replaced by other, much more frightening emotions. The mother-woman may experience fear that she won't be able to handle everything around the baby, she must cope with the "surge" of hormones, lack of rest, feelings of sadness, and frequent crying. These feelings (known as postpartum blues) are entirely normal for new mothers and usually d...

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How does a consultation with a child psychologist look like?

How does a consultation with a child psychologist look like?

Visiting a child psychologist is a very sensitive topic. Many parents have concerns about their child seeing a psychologist. As a school psychologist, I've often encountered parents who initially refused to let their child talk to a school psychologist. After explaining what a psychologist actually does with a child and what such a meeting entails, parents usually calm down and agree. In the beginning, I feel the need to reassure parents that nothing terrible is happening. A psycholog...

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How to recognize that you need the help of a psychologist?

How to recognize that you need the help of a psychologist?

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your body. To function smoothly, we should prioritize both.While everyone visits a doctor from time to time, people often hesitate to see a psychologist.One reason for this is that many are unsure if they actually need a psychologist's help or if psychologists even address their issues.Unfortunately, some still believe that you can only seek a psychologist if you're crazy, and many confuse them with psychiatrists. In to...

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CUT WRIST SYNDROME: Self-harm in children and adolescents

CUT WRIST SYNDROME: Self-harm in children and adolescents

Self-harm is intentional hurting yourself by various ways. It is often called like the cut wrist syndrome which is developed under the influence of strong emotions such as anxiety, inner confusion, guilt, anger... The self-harm people is easy to recognize at the first sight according to the style of their clothes (the long trousers/skirts, emo), behavior (silent introver) and especially according to bandaged wrists (bracelets, cloths). The self-harm can be a one-time affair but it can ch...

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