Body Positivity: Avoid Extremes and Find Balance

Body Positivity: Avoid Extremes and Find Balance

In today's world, where images of perfection abound, there is an increasing emphasis on accepting one's own body and rejecting extremes. This new approach further reflects the need to understand physical, mental, and emotional health. Embracing one's body does not mean giving up on a healthy lifestyle; rather, it signifies celebrating individual differences and striving to find personal equilibrium. It's important to reject extremes that promote unrealistic ideals and often lead to frustr...

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Psychologist: When and why seek his help?

Psychologist: When and why seek his help?

Away with prejudices! Now is the time to ask for help. Unfortunately, there are many prejudices that prevent people from visiting a psychologist. Among the most well-known is the widespread belief that anyone who seeks the care of a psychologist is crazy. That's absolute nonsense. Even a healthy person can sometimes struggle with a problem they can't handle on their own. And in today's challenging times, it's not uncommon at all.   Go to a psychologist? No way, I'm not weak or...

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