Mental disorders in children: 5 warning signs you shouldn't ignore

Mental disorders in children: 5 warning signs you shouldn't ignore

You know how mental disorders can manifest in children? It's a wide spectrum of conditions that can significantly affect not only a child's behavior and emotional state but also their overall development. Recognizing these disorders early and responding appropriately is key to ensuring the best possible care and support. Studies show that up to 50% of mental illnesses can be diagnosed in early childhood. Parents should be attentive to warning signs, such as extreme mood swings, s...

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10 tips to help an alcoholic

10 tips to help an alcoholic

Alcohol dependency is a disease that is challenging not only for the dependent person but also for their loved ones.Often, they have no idea what they should do. As a result, they often helplessly watch as their loved one – whether it's a partner, sibling, child, or friend – struggles with their demons.They get up and fall again. Over and over in a continuous cycle.Are you wondering what you can do for him/her? In today's article, we'll summarize ten most important pieces of advice on how to...

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