We can describe psychosomatics like
a condition in which the psychical imbalance is reflected into real physical
symptoms. A lot of banal and also more serious health complications arise due
to stress, tense relationships and general mental discomfort. In these cases,
many of medical examinations will not help you as well as the best
medications. You should rather try well-targeted therapy. Some experts
agree that it is sometimes necessary to look for the focus of problems by the
other way than just through repeated X-rays and blood sampling.
does psychosomatics work?
concept of psychosomatics is actually a composite of the two Greek words psyché
(soul) and soma (body). These two components of our "selves" interact
and interact constantly. Many experts say that if a problem plagues our psyche,
it seeks to protect the body by alerting us with physical symptoms.
on these manifestations, we should stop and do a little bit more, not just
physical health, but also mental health. To slow down mentally, not to worry so
much, or to solve the relationship problems that tension brings to our lifes.
It is not advisable to leave these warnings unheeded. In fact, if we choose to
ignore the symptoms, they can get progressively worse and get chronic.
Underestimating health is a bit of a phenomenon these days, which is rushed,
full of stress and lack of time. We have all learned to either not admit the
problems or put off solving them indefinitely.
ask, what psychological factors might be behind the emergence of the disease?
We bring out the most common of them:
- Mental strain of a long-term character
- Little time for rest, relaxation
- Lack of sleep, poor sleeping habits
- Complicated and stressful relationships - in the family
and in the workplace
- A very stressful job
- Workaholism
Psychosomatic diseases
The physical symptoms which can
cause long-term mental strain, are varied. Some research shows that
chronic stress can prevent cancer. In first stages it shows itself just
like common diseases as cold, throatache, back pain or headache. Doctors also
agree that psychosomatics can stand by dermatological problems. So if you get
some acne, hives or other skin rashes without any reason, it may be because of
your mental strain. Long-term stress can also cause: gastrointestinal
disorders, gynecological problems, allergies or asthma.
Although a lot of people talk about
this topic lately, most of the doctors still focus only on treating the
external manifestations of the disease. However, it is often not possible to
find a specific medical cause, because the symptoms can vary, appear
irregularly and seemingly improve or worsen without any justification.
These individuals are often mistaken called like hypochondriacs.
It is very
important to be interested in client's life style, not only for the health
anamnesis. The important factor is the patient's family relationships as well
as employment. The doctor should also focus on the situation in which the
client is currently in, whether he has been traumatized or stressful in the
past. If the doctor doesn't deal with psychosomatics, it is good to have a
psychologist, who will already know what to do.
The treatment
begins with an appropriate interview during which the doctor or psychologist
maps and evaluates the patient's conditions and the events that may be behind
him/her. Subsequently, it is appropriated to discuss these moments with the
patient and motivate him/her to solve them.
we are able to solve our problems by ourselves, all we need is just someone who
push us by the right direction. However, some obstacles in life may be beyond
our power and at this time it is the right time to seek for the professional
help like psychologist or psychotherapist. Appropriately focused therapy will
help us to change our lifestyle and to balance our mental and physical
conditions. Among other things, we can also learn during the therapy basics of
relaxation which can be used then to improve our health.
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