CUT WRIST SYNDROME: Self-harm in children and adolescents

Self-harm is intentional hurting yourself by various ways. It is often called like the cut wrist syndrome which is developed under the influence of strong emotions such as anxiety, inner confusion, guilt, anger...
The self-harm people is easy to recognize at the first sight according to the style of their clothes (the long trousers/skirts, emo), behavior (silent introver) and especially according to bandaged wrists (bracelets, cloths). The self-harm can be a one-time affair but it can change also into an addiction and it is not easy to stop.

Through self-harm, many adolescents try to make an attention to a problem, mostly of a psychological character, that they cannot deal with it.  This is a very dangerous "hobby" what parents should definitely not overlook. It can have really serious consequences, from health problems to suicidal thoughts / attempts.

Many faces of pain:
• cutting
• burning
• pulling out the hair
• biting
• skin piercing
• eating the pills
• rubbing the skin into the blood

Cuts and burns are typically performed on the wrists and forearms, but feet, legs and other parts of the body are no exception.

Why do children hurt themselves?

Adolescents between 13  - 18 years old used the self-harm like the means for overcoming obstacles, problems and they try to get the attention of the others or just to differentiate themselves from others.

The victims of sexual and physical abuse have negative relationship to their own bodies and they take self-harm like a punishemnt.

The self-harm often adds to various mental illness as another problem. Children and adolescents with self-harming tendencies usually do not suffer from any serious mental illness, but beacuse of a consequence of anxiety and depression.

Girls and women are more prone to self-harming tendencies. It is largely due to their natural tendency to self-blame and touchiness.

Various problems in the family, among peers, negative experiences or emotional distress can also lead to self-harm. Lack of interest and understanding from the part of parents, quarrels, problems with communication, divorce of parents, dysfunctional family, neglecting, domestic violence, death of parents, disagreements with friends, standing out from the team, trying to fit, desire for attention, abuse, bullying, sexual abuse, effort to overcome mental suffering with physical pain, feelings of guilt, loneliness, helplessness, stress, emotional distress, problems with adolescence, the desire to punish someone close, etc.

Whatever is the cause of self-harm, it is a really serious problem. We have already mentioned above that, these self-destructive attempts and manifestations can lead to suicide. That, what could firstly start like a kind of demonstration against the lack of interest of the surroundings, will sooner or later turn into a serious addiction, which can be accompanied by overuse of alcohol and other drugs. From the field of physical health, the self-harm can bring the considerable risk, the wounds can be inflamed, they can be deep, or they do not heal, etc. In any case, you will have the scars of self-harm for the rest of your life. You will not remove them, even if you try to cover them.

How to prevent it?

The basis of prevention is not to look at this problem as a social taboo, but to talk about it in the family and also at school. Communication is the best way to prevent self-harm. That's why  always lead your children from an early age to not be afraid  to express their feelings and fears. They have to face them and solve them constructively.

Where to look for the help?

The most effective solution is to look for the professional help. Psychologist is focuse on finding the causes which lead the people to self-harm and to the elimination. The means of coping the trauma is therapy in various forms, focuse on family and social relationships, such as the method of  American psychologist M. M. Linehan, who is known by the acronym DBT (Dialectial Bahavioral Therapy). In some cases, therapy is supplemented by some medication.

Whatever form of treatment is chosen, it is necessary  to realize that this is not a short-term matter. The one must change the behavior and learn to manage problems and emotions in a reasonable way, which needs the time.


How parents can help to their children?

Here are some advices to help if you find out that your child prone to self-harm

·         Do not blame, criticize, reproach or condemn

·         Show to your child that you care

·         Strengthen mutual relations, create common positive experiences (go to cinema, make a  trip, walk…)

·         Do not force your child into a self-harm conversation, wait till the child say it to you alone


Some advices for children, adolescents:

Every suffering has its solution. Although, firstly it can seem impossible but everything can be handled. Over the time, negative feelings will begin to weaken.

There are some other options. Instead of cutting yourself and other harming, you should to look for some healthier way to manage your emotions, such as shouting in a pillow, swearing aloud, getting angry, confiding in paper, drawing, dancing, running, etc.

Self-harm is only temporary relief, but it will not solve the problems.

The important thing is to not stay alone! If the parents, friends or somone close  cannot help you, the best solution is to ask for some help of the professionnal. You can discuss the matter with one of our skilled psychologist

Psychologist Offline

Mgr. Zuzana Ema Koláček


The nearest dates: 24.02.2025

Psychologist Offline

Mgr. Anita Tanušková


The nearest dates: 25.02.2025


The nearest dates: 11.03.2025

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