Bullying in the workplace


Bullying in the workplace is considered as psychological war and its consequences can be really dangerous for the bullied. It can lead to agression, when the bullied is becoming enemy for one or more people.
In the working area we call it bossing or also mobbing. What can bullying cause and how to prevent it? 

The three faces of bullying

Bullying at work can be recognized really easily.  As a rule, it is a long-lasting hostile relationships and hostile mood what grows into humiliation of one or more employee at the same time. In most of cases, bullying starts from the superior to the subordinate (bossing), but it is not always like that. It can be also other way that the subordinate employee humiliates the superior (staffing) or in the position of aggressor is the whole group of colleagues (mobbing).


According to STEM / MARK statistics, approximately a quarter of employees have experience with bullying at work.
The women are most often  victims of bullying (27%), then the men (19%). About 43 % of bullied people have an experience with bullying at least one time per week and more than 50% of employees being bullied for more than a year. About three-fifths of employees are bullied by their superiors (bossing) and one quarter by a colleague (mobbing).


Mobbing is a kind of very sophisticated bullying at work. In the position of agressor is the group of colleauges, which make  the life and work unpleasent for the bullied. To be considered to mobbing, it must be repeated at least one time per week for minimum six months. One-time incidents cannot be considered to bullying. The agressor is focused on to mentally abuse the victim as much as possible in order to resign or be fired from work.

Causes of mobbing:

The one of the most common causes is the fear of losing social background by the agressor, envy among employees, low corporate culture, the victim's personality (eg. he/she has physical or psychological problem) and last but not least, the state of the market economy and rising unemployment.

Phases of mobbing:

·        Slandering, communication behind your back, interruption, ridicule

·        Forcing to fulfil disgraceful tasks

·        Ignoration from colleagues, isolation from the surroundings, ostracism

·        Verbal or written threatening

·        Physical attacks, sexual harassment, attacks on health.

Mobbing has four phases. In the first one the slander penetrates and the conflicts spread, followed by the second phase of systematic psychological terror, what grows into the third phase of specific attacks, defamation of a superior etc. The fourth phase is when the victim is already totally broken, in most of cases he resign or he is fired.

The results of mobbing

Mobbing at work impacts not only the victim (reduction of  work commitment, absence, lower quality of work, more frequent mistakes) but also it has a negative impact for the entire operation of the company, for example in connection with lower work commitment, the profits decrease. The victim's mental and physical health is very endangered, constant stress affects cause for example, sleep disorders, eating problems, depression and often suicidal thoughts.

How to defend yourself?

As the prevention, try to solve every conflict from its beginning. If it's not possible and you've already become a victim of mobbing, it is necessary  to gather the last remnants of courage and start to solve this situation as soon as possible. Inform your superior about everything. Mobbing at work is really difficult  to prove, that's why you should  get as much as possible evidence of the pressure on you, try to get some allies among colleagues.
Do not be afraid to see a psychologist who can help you and restore your mental health.



Bullying at work is not  going on only among the employees. Psychological terror by the superior (called bossing) is also the frequent phenomen.

Causes of bossing

From the logical point of view, the superior (agressor) should not have any reason for bullying the employees, but it occurs. One of the reasons can be the jealousy of superior (for example the employee excels in something more than superior). Other time, the superior vent his/her frustration of failure at the subordinate. The superior focuse on to force the victim to resign or in the case that employee wants to terminate the work  and the superior does not agree, he tries to make to  subordinate the remaining time at work as uncomfortable as possible.

Manifestation of bossing

Several signals - unequal treatment, impossible work tasks, disproportionate criticism and poor ratings, ignorance, humiliation, sexual harassment, etc. - can alert you to ongoing bullying by a supervisor.

The consequences of bossing

Victims exposed to this type of bullying often suffer from a feeling of burnout, fear of unsuccess and failure, have decreased self-esteem, develop depression, fatigue, sleep disturbances, stomach problems etc.

How to defend?

As with mobbing, it is important to gather as much evidence as possible (emails, inventory of insults, etc.), to seek the assistance and testimony of a colleague. For the most part, the situation cannot be resolved other than through legal channels or by informing the relevant labour inspectorate.


The opposite problem to the previous two is staffing - this is where the superior finds himself in the position of victim.

Causes of staffing

Usually,  the new superiors are bullied, whether they came from another company or promoted. Subordinates are often driven by their jealousy of a former colleague who has come to a better post than them, significantly older employees can't stand the fact that a younger and inexperienced colleague has been put in a leadership position, etc. A superior's own inappropriate and patronizing behavior can also be a cause of bullying.

Manifestation of staffing

The aggressor (subordinate) most often resorts to covert forms of bullying, e.g. not foisting important information to the superior, ignoring his or her orders, disparaging him or her in front of colleagues, culminating in conflict and disagreement at the final stage.

How to defend yourself?

The most important is perceptiveness of the head and his ability to recognize the signs of bullying in time. The sooner he starts to solve it, the better. The best way is an individual inteview with individual team members. It is necessary to define boundaries, not to use threats, try to find two-ways compromis. The last solution are the personalization changes.

The results of bullying at work

• Deterioration of work performance
• Reduction of concentration
• Increased work stress
• Increased work absenteeism
• Increase in error and injury rates
• Reduction of the company's profit
• Disturbance of mental well-being
• Deterioration of mental and physical health
• Irritation and aggressione
• Worsened sleep
• Anorexia
• Suicidal tendencies

The working stress which is created by bullying at work, can affect  the development of various types of psychosomatic, as well as other diseases.


It is absolutely essential to take some preventive measures, which must be first  realized by employers and company's managers. It is really important talk to them about the bullying, especially about its negative impact for the long-term operation but also the succes of company.
In the most of cases, they are responsible for  bullying in the company. Not only they often bully themselves, but they also consciously watch the bullying, without doing any action against it. They do not realize that they are harming themselves or their company. From a long-term perspective, bullying tolerance has a high negative effect on employee performance and also the company's total prosperity. Employees are more often sick, which can be very unpleasant or even devastating for the company, especially with the fluctuation of quality employees. Try to think about prevention for yourself. Try to think how to prevent the bullying. Your task as the owner of the company, or its director is to ensure that the company employs quality managers with personalities. The empathic manager will listen better to people and be interested in interpersonal relationships at work. As the owner of company, as well as a manager, you should encourage an open discussion about interpersonal relationships at work. Do not accept any kind of bullying, whether it is the slightest attempt, such as slandering, ridiculing, ignorance or underestimation or serious conflicts of social isolation, obstacles, harassment, threats of physical violence or even sexual harassment.

If you detect bullying at work, you have to act immediately. Never postpone a solution, because it could exacerbate the problem and escalate into a real conflict. You should always enter to conflicts between employees and find some solution or consult it with an expert (psychologist). Try to create a work environment in your company that is pleasant and where employees will be happy to return. Create an environment where people support each other and trust to each other. In this work environment, the breathing will be better. Employees will be more efficient and satisfied. And today it is even a trend, because companies understood that quality staff who have good interpersonal relationships is the real value of the company.



If you are an employee of a company and you are bullied everyday, we recommend you to  consider if it makes sense to work there. You live a large part of your life at work and the goal is not to have health problems. If you, as an employee, are the victim of bullying, you have the opportunity to deal with it in three basic ways: by human agreement, by requesting help from your employer or other manager, and as the last way legally.

If you decide for a legal solution, follow those steps:

Try to gather as much evidence as you can  and obtain the testimonies of your colleagues. Find some ally. Try to make some work diary and note there all the conflicts.
Discuss the situation with your closest - family, friends. Do not be scared to visit a psychologist or professional coach who will give you some tips how to defend yourself.
Submit a  complaint to the employer with a clear request for investigation.
In the case of remuneration, career advancement or working conditions, require the employer to adhere strictly the principles of equal treatment of all employees.


You can also contact the Ombudsman. However, this is only possible if it is bullying associated with discrimination, it means that it must be motivated by some  discriminatory criteria, such as disability, religion, creed, race or ethnic origin, gender, age, etc. If you want to seek financial compensation, you must go to court and file a lawsuit. Due to the complexity of the whole issue, we recommend finding a specialized lawyer.

If you have been the victim of any form of bullying at work, suffer from depression, have suicidal thoughts, etc. You should look for a psychological help.

We can help you to feel better again - and you can start even today with one of our specialized psychologists below:

Psychologist Offline

Mgr. Anita Tanušková

Bullying in the workplace

The nearest dates: 25.02.2025

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Mgr. Vítězslav Rázek

Bullying in the workplace

The nearest dates: 26.02.2025

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